Cloud storage is a solution that users are driving IT organizations to use whether we want to or not. Just ask a sales person what they use. They will tell you how great it is and how they use it. As IT organizations, we need to take notice and understand the impact to our process and the effect to the data stored outside of our organization. Here are five things commonly misunderstood about cloud storage: […]
Cloud computing offers businesses the opportunity to outsource their IT services, reducing both time and cost efficiently. This is highly attractive, as businesses do not need to understand the devices they are using, but do companies really understand the implications of outsourcing their business services to a cloud computing service? Cloud computing is the next stage in the Internet’s evolution, providing the means through which everything can be delivered as a service, wherever and whenever […]
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT – there is a sea change happening as individuals and companies slowly grasp the upside of cloud computing. But I still get challenged at conferences: “What about the security risk? I have to know that my bits are safe. How do I know these service providers are not going to mine my data and exploit all my information?” The short answer is that you don’t – no one does. But then […]
Security exists to protect the tangible things in life. If something is deemed special enough to be protected, we do so with highly visible declarations of security. Deadbolts on doors are large and comforting; alarm systems used to protect buildings are there for all to see; seatbelts in cars tell the world that we are taking our safety seriously. While protecting homes and possessions is simple human behaviour, there are important aspects of day-to-day life […]
Today, it is no longer a question of when IT will align with business leaders, but how. That is the conclusion of a new report from Forrester Research, which describes the policies and procedures for implementing cloud computing in the corporate environment. These are required, according to Forrester, because the traditional model of IT management under the rigid control of the IT department has now become restrictive and outdated. Business managers want the power to […]
The CIO as we understand the role is under threat from Cloud Computing and ICT professionals need to start getting smart about their function. That was the stark warning from Oracle, a company whose conversion to the Cloud has taken time to go public. While once dismissed by CEO Larry Ellison as “just water vapour”, Cloud is now firmly on the Oracle road map as a top priority. Hence the appearance of John Abel, chief […]
The term “cloud” has been turned into a marketing platform by many suppliers and this has obscured what it really is – a way to procure and deliver IT services. The cloud covers a wide spectrum of services and delivery models. The common security concerns are ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the services and data delivered through a cloud environment. Cloud computing makes people uneasy. The perceived lack of ownership and control has […]
Cloud Computing, which allows oganisations to share resources, software and applications, can bring radical change to public sector ICT services. Using the cloud will reduce costs and risks and bring scalability, and resilience. But many top managers believe the risks are too great. The author looks at the reality of Cloud Computing. It seems that board-level executives are not as keen as their IT professionals on the adoption of Cloud computing according to no less […]
The rush toward virtualisation of internal enterprise computing resources and cloud computing can have many advantages, such as server consolidation, but it’s largely outracing traditional security and identity management practices. That’s leaving huge gaps, a sense of chaos and questions about where security products and services should be applied in the world of multi-vendor virtual-machine (VM) hypervisors. “Virtualisation will radically change how you secure and manage your computing environment,” Gartner analyst Neil MacDonald said this […]
IT professionals looking to place data in the Cloud should be aware of three major risks, including data leakage, the loss of visibility or control of the data, and unauthorised access to data, according to global services firm Ernst and Young. The firm’s senior manager, Pieter Danhieux, told attendees of IDC’s Cloud for Business Conference 2011 that while Cloud service providers are often talking about scalability, availability, cost reductions, efficiency and effectiveness, they had not […]
A lack of understanding about security risks is one of the key factors holding back cloud computing. Report after report after report harps on security as the main speed bump slowing the pace of cloud adoption. But what tends to be overlooked, even by cloud advocates, is that overall security threats are changing as organizations move from physical environments to virtual ones and on to cloud-based ones. Viruses, malware and phishing are still concerns, but […]
Key factors that organisations must consider before moving across to a cloud computing model. The hype surrounding cloud computing is expected to reach unprecedented levels over the next few years. According to recent research by analyst Gartner, CIOs view the cloud as their top technology priority for 2011 and it expects the number of organisations using on-demand computing to rise to 43% within four years. Despite being lured by the prospect of achieving significant cost […]
Cloud computing is all the rage these days. CIOs seem to be diving into cloud-based solutions with reckless abandon despite the fact that a mistake in planning or execution can have career-limiting effects. So, let’s take a moment to balance the benefits against the potential security pitfalls that lie in the clouds. The really important question is, How safe is your business in the clouds? After all, cloud vendors all aim to put your stuff […]
CSO recently interviewed Gary Loveland, a principal in PricewaterhouseCooper’s advisory practice and head of the firm’s global security practice, about the latest in cloud security issues. Loveland has functioned as a data security officer and has recommended and implemented security strategies in large-scale business environments. CSO: What do you consider to be the most serious security threats related to cloud computing? Loveland: One of the most serious security threats to cloud computing is the fact […]
Security takes precedence over financial return Companies are still wary about the security aspect of cloud computing and want more reassurance before investing in the technology. That’s according to new research from SunGard which found that only 15 percent of chief financial officers (CFOs) would be happy to entrust their company’s data to cloud providers. To no great surprise, financial accounting systems were the applications that CFOs were most reluctant to see despatched to the […]
A lack of proper understanding appears to be dissuading many small businesses from investing in cloud computing, it has been reported. According to Clodagh Murphy, director at Eclipse, it is not so much cost issues which put off such enterprises – rather the apparent complexity of the technology. She said that cloud computing must be explained to business owners in plain English which they can fully understand. Ms Murphy added that when embracing the cloud, […]