Both DevOps and cloud computing have been hyped as essential to maintaining competitiveness and undertaking digital transformation in today’s organisation. While DevOps is about improving business processes and applications, cloud is all about the underlying services and technology. So how can businesses make the most of these? How cloud DevOps differs from other DevOps When we talk about DevOps in terms of ideals, it doesn’t take long to mention “everything as code” or “immutable infrastructure”; […]
virtual environments
Security exists to protect the tangible things in life. If something is deemed special enough to be protected, we do so with highly visible declarations of security. Deadbolts on doors are large and comforting; alarm systems used to protect buildings are there for all to see; seatbelts in cars tell the world that we are taking our safety seriously. While protecting homes and possessions is simple human behaviour, there are important aspects of day-to-day life […]
Small and medium businesses have yet to fully embrace server virtualization, and ones that have already deployed the technology aren’t paying enough attention to backup and security in virtual environments. That’s the takeaway from a recent Symantec-commissioned survey of 658 businesses worldwide, which ranged in size from 5 to 240 employees and spanned a variety of industries. The survey, conducted in May by Applied Research and published by Symantec on Wednesday, shows that 70 percent […]