After a long wait, Windows 8 is finally here. The new operating system from Microsoft, features a number of business-friendly features that would be compelling for enterprise users and administrators. According to industry estimates, nearly half of the Indian organisations use Windows XP platform today, and as the OS reaches end of life in a year-and-a-half, analysts believe it will result in a demand uptick for newer platforms such as Windows 7 and 8. Hence, […]
In this video presentation you will learn how the consumerization of technology has made it possible to run an entire organization from a simple internet connection. It is no longer required to load applications locally, or to own anything other than simple workstations or netbooks to operate in most circumstances. The value of on-demand services is in the elimination of capital budgets, budget surprises, and cost unpredictability. Constant advancements in our technology world are leveraged […]
As end users bring their own devices to work, download apps and sign up for cloud services, it’s getting harder for IT to maintain application visibility and control performance. In addition to introducing IT management blind spots, trends such as consumerization, mobility and cloud computing are also increasing business risk, according to a survey of CIOs from around the world. “The age-old disconnect between business and IT is at risk of widening,” said Steve Tack, […]
A quick look at the trends facing most CIOs should send anyone with a large IT budget into a state of worry. In every dimension, CIOs are facing an increased pace of change at the same time they are losing control over the computing environment. The number of assets they must manage is exploding. Consumerization, virtualization, cloud computing, software as a service, mobility are all increasing the complexity of the job of managing IT by […]
If two technology trends were ever made for each other, at least in vendor marketing materials and generically simple diagrams of IT infrastructure, they are the consumerization of IT and desktop virtualization. Analysts who study desktop virtualization say many of its use cases fit neatly into problem areas that their client companies face, such as the consumerization of IT. End users who insist on using non-standard or unapproved computing devices, such as tablets and iOS […]
The head of a toolmaker supposedly once noted that the company’s customers really didn’t care about one-inch drill bits; they cared about one-inch holes. Even if that story is apocryphal, it’s useful in illustrating something about how vastly different IT’s approach to assessing technology is from that of IT’s users. If IT were buying a drill, it would specify drill-bit hardness and revolutions per minute. It would want as many bit diameters as possible. It […]
The last 24 months have brought an explosion of new devices, web applications, and social media platforms. With every new product release or social network launch, CIOs are getting pressure from their employees, including senior executives, to open the corporate network to consumer devices and allow access to more of the Web. This migration of consumer devices like smartphones and tablets into enterprise computing is making CIOs very nervous. The risks to data security are […]