In this video presentation you will learn how the consumerization of technology has made it possible to run an entire organization from a simple internet connection. It is no longer required to load applications locally, or to own anything other than simple workstations or netbooks to operate in most circumstances. The value of on-demand services is in the elimination of capital budgets, budget surprises, and cost unpredictability. Constant advancements in our technology world are leveraged […]
virtual desktops
Once viewed as the formula for desktop PC provisioning and management roles, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) technology is moving into the mainstream via a new path, as a solution for business services. Most enterprise administrators have viewed Virtual Desktop Infrastructure as a way to deliver enterprise desktops to users more efficiently. However, VDI can deliver more than just a typical business desktop; the technology can also be used to deliver specialized business services. A case […]
The restart-only availability level allows for failure of a component such as a host or storage array. Failures generally manifest as the equivalent of a “blue screen” for the virtual desktop. Consider what happens when one of your physical desktops crashes — do the users generate a help desk ticket or do they simply restart their system? A key advantage of virtualization is the ability to decouple an operating system from its hardware layer. This […]
Cost reduction, security, manageability and simplifying the migration to Windows 7 are driving organizations to adopt an aggressive deployment approach when it comes to desktop and application virtualization, say the results of a study conducted by Forrester Consulting. Over half of the 546 organizations surveyed ranked desktop and application virtualization as a critical or major initiative over the next 12 to 18 months. Furthermore, deployment levels are predicted to grow from 27% to 46%, taking […]
Microsoft’s confirmation that client versions of Windows 8 will include its Hyper-V hypervisor could turn out to be one of the most interesting and significant aspects of the upcoming platform. With a baked-in Type 1 hypervisor, various kinds of use cases that have been mooted for virtualisation will become possible, such as running separate corporate and personal desktop environments side by side simultaneously on the same machine. This kind of virtualisation is now familiar on […]
If two technology trends were ever made for each other, at least in vendor marketing materials and generically simple diagrams of IT infrastructure, they are the consumerization of IT and desktop virtualization. Analysts who study desktop virtualization say many of its use cases fit neatly into problem areas that their client companies face, such as the consumerization of IT. End users who insist on using non-standard or unapproved computing devices, such as tablets and iOS […]
Ultimately, companies are unlikely to fund a desktop virtualisation project until the numbers look good. How can you build a good return on investment case for virtualising your desktop infrastructure? One of the problems with building an economic case for desktop virtualisation is the initial capital expenditure involved, explains Rajendra Deshpande, chief technology officer at Intelenet, a business process outsourcing provider. “Typically, the initial investment will be higher, which means that the justification for that […]
The military’s interest in virtualization tools for health care personnel originated well before the Defense Department began to lay the foundation for the Chicago and Washington Capitol super hospitals. An early example was at the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Va. In 2006, Acelera, a firm specializing in virtualization tools, was contracted by the hospital to solve problems that in-house doctors and shipboard clinicians had when trying to access AHLTA, DOD’s electronic health records system. […]
When Dataprise Inc., an IT services company, helped a customer with a desktop virtualization project last year, it found itself dealing with desktop virtualization’s dirty little secret: No one — including vendors — seems to know how to license the software. Having run a successful pilot, Dataprise’s client wanted to take the next step and deploy 700 virtual desktops, says Chris Sousa, director of infrastructure service at Dataprise. That’s when the trouble began. Like many […]
Now is the time for virtual desktops. There are a lot of people in the industry saying that you should wait. We ask why? There are serious savings in support and energy costs to be garnered along with significant other factors that will increase agility and lower TCO. Don’t wait. If you follow the advice and steps outlined below, and build a solid business case, you will be successful. Virtual desktops are the hottest virtualization […]