A quick look at the trends facing most CIOs should send anyone with a large IT budget into a state of worry. In every dimension, CIOs are facing an increased pace of change at the same time they are losing control over the computing environment. The number of assets they must manage is exploding. Consumerization, virtualization, cloud computing, software as a service, mobility are all increasing the complexity of the job of managing IT by orders of magnitude.
The vast majority of CIOs are not ready to handle challenge of managing today’s IT environment. There will be no cavalry arriving in the form of digital natives who are up to the task. Companies will attempt to throw “managers” or “consultants” at the problem, and then will find they are quickly bewildered.
Of course, it is not impossible to handle these challenges, but it won’t happen without tremendous effort and a top-to-bottom rethinking of how IT is managed. The coming crisis of IT management is that both CEOs and CIOs will underestimate the change at hand and attempt to address it with insufficient efforts. At most companies, only after this approach has failed, will the hard work of building a new kind of IT begin. This new kind of IT will be industry and business specific. It will be user-influenced and controlled to a degree that is not possible now. Parts will be supplied by vendors, but the ideal shape will have to be discovered by each CIO after they stop focusing on technology and start understanding the business they serve.
For those who don’t believe me, I will outline the scope of the problem facing most CIOs. Then, once that is clear, in a second article principles for a management solution will be offered.
The first way that IT is spinning out of control falls under the umbrella of the consumerization of IT. End-users and departments are choosing their own devices, selecting and using Software as a Service applications and other cloud resources, and generally doing end-arounds to bypass the IT function whenever they feel like it. The IT monopoly has ended but the need to ensure security, reliability, compliance, and integration has not. Most consumerization efforts are long on choice and short on ways to actually address that fact that IT’s responsibilities to manage the issues have not disappeared.
Software as a Service is providing a similar challenge to consumerization. In the worst case, end-users just sign up for SaaS applications and starting using them without consulting IT. This leaves unaddressed the issues of security, reliability, compliance, and integration. When problems occur, there is a mad scramble. When IT is involved, SaaS applications each then require attention. The same sort of challenges of integration, identity management, disaster recovery that were addressed as ERP and the rest of the enterprise application suite emerged will now have to be addressed in the world of SaaS. The scope of this work is vastly underestimated, as is the maturity of the available solutions targeted at addressing these problems.
Supporting mobile workers adds a new dimension to every application in a company. Which applications should be supported on mobile devices? How much of each application should be available? When does it make sense to craft custom mobile solutions? How can consumer apps become part of the picture? What is ROI for mobility? How much should be invested. None of these questions have obvious answers. Once you determine what should become mobile, then a whole new practice of mobile device and application management must be developed. Most companies are just at the beginning of this journey.
Turning our attention to the data center does not provide much comfort. Virtualization and the cloud had caused an explosion in the number of assets that are being created. For the most part most data centers are operating in the pre-virtual world, in which the pace of change is governed by the rate at which physical servers can come and go. Compared to a fully virtualized data center, especially a data center that makes use of private or public cloud resources, a physical data center moves at a snails pace. The problem that should keep CEOs up at night is that most IT departments have trouble keeping track of the assets in a physical data center. Orphan or under-utilized servers do little useful work and suck up power. Can you turn these servers off? Only if you know what is running on them, and in many data centers it is extremely difficult to make that determination. Now imagine that servers can be created 10 times, 100 times as fast, not only by IT staff but by development teams and others in a company. Google’s data center is up to this task. Amazon’s and Salesforce can handle it. Most of the rest of the data centers in the world cannot.
Perhaps the biggest problem facing IT today is that its accounting practices are substantially immature. Any CFO who is being asked to approve spending on cloud resources should ask a simple question, “What is the cost of doing this same work in house, on our existing servers?” A blank stare is the most likely response. Public cloud resources come with a tidy bill that shows just how much it cost to use a set of assets. IT departments lack the skills and tools to create such a detailed view of how much an computing service costs to deliver. There is no quick fix. Creating a model of IT is a multi-dimensional challenge. Learning to allocate shared costs over a wide variety of computing services is going to take time to get right. But without such information, IT is going to be flying blind when it comes to making huge decisions about whether to adopt SaaS-versions of applications, build new data centers, create private clouds, or use public cloud resources.
Is this really a crisis? For most businesses I would say the answer is a clear yes. Perhaps IT costs are under control, but few CEOs will say with confidence that they are getting the most they can out of their investment in technology. The crisis is two fold. The first part is that the IT function is not managed transparently in a way that is clearly in alignment with business strategy. As I pointed out in my series of articles on Enterprise Architecture, most CIOs are stuck in level 1, making the technology work as intended. But that’s the minor crisis.
The major crisis is that because CIOs rarely rise above level 1, they are not reaching level 2 playing their role as innovators and leaders of new ways to use technology to better support strategy and differentiate the products and services of their companies. The crisis of IT management is that the time for innovation and leadership is continually crowded out. Is this a new problem. Not really. The unfortunate reality is that this old problem is about to get a hell of a lot worse. The only upside: Those who manage to operate at level 2 and will achieve even bigger victories for their companies.
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