As end users bring their own devices to work, download apps and sign up for cloud services, it’s getting harder for IT to maintain application visibility and control performance. In addition to introducing IT management blind spots, trends such as consumerization, mobility and cloud computing are also increasing business risk, according to a survey of CIOs from around the world. “The age-old disconnect between business and IT is at risk of widening,” said Steve Tack, […]
This cloud computing video discusses hosted desktops and virtualization. meshIP uses Quest vWorkspace as part of its public cloud service offering:
One of the challenges of evaluating cloud computing and the use of hosted desktops in the small business enterprise is understanding not only the business case ROI, but the operational impact. Here are 30 questions to assist you in thinking through the issues associated with deploying hosted desktops. First some definitions: VDI, Virtual Desktop infrastructure = Dedicated Virtual Desktop (hosted desktop) There are two kinds of VDI: server-hosted and client-side. A Server-Hosted Virtual Desktop Infrastructure […]
Dallas based meshIP is a Thinkgrid partner for cloud computing services. This article from Rob Lovell, CEO of ThinkGrid, speaks to the value that only a local partner with experience in vendor-neutral platforms, expertise in vertical market applications and strong customer relationships can bring to craft real solutions for your business. The cloud computing market boomed during 2010 with more and more organisations adopting cloud services. As a cloud provider, customers are coming to us […]
Microsoft has some cool products hiding behind ridiculously confusing names. Users of the very nifty Live Mesh file and desktop syncing beta, for example, were told their service shuts down in March 2011. Where should they migrate? Windows Live Mesh, of course. Microsoft is emailing Live Mesh beta users and explaining how they can transition their files to Windows Live Mesh. It involves not a small bit of re-configuring the folders you want to sync, […]
In the era of WikiLeaks, it’s no wonder that business executives are feeling less secure about their organizations’ data. A recent study by Ernst & Young found that 60% of those polled perceive increased risk from the use of social networking, cloud computing and personal mobile devices at work. “Organizations are operating in a world that requires borderless security,” warns Bernie Wedge, an IT risk practice leader at Ernst & Young. “Information access by employees […]
The “cloud” is a convenient name for a new paradigm in computing that entails changes in policies and processes that can seem as amorphous and shifting as actual clouds. How can you ensure that your data is protected and secure while sitting in the cloud? Start by asking a few questions: Where is the data physically stored? How is it protected? Who can access it? How can you get it back? When the economic crisis […]
A short summary of the benefits of the cloud for organizations from here. A key point is to pick a professional and fully redundant supplier. meshIP has redundant systems, data centers and fully backs up your data each day. ‘Cloud computing’ sounds like a complicated idea, but if you use Flickr to store your photos, or Hotmail to keep in touch with friends and family, or stream music over Spotify, then you are, in effect, […]
Excellent article on the way forward in cloud computing from here. Probably the biggest inhibitor to adoption is the human factor. Cloud will displace skill sets within the IT organization and force a fusion of functions. We have seen this evolution happen with the adoption of virtualization, and IT organizations will continue to evolve with increased cloud adoption. Cloud computing will eventually just be considered a part of the IT department’s general plans for technological […]
Great article on the difference between manages services and cloud computing: I have posted previously that there is a lot of confusion and debate about terminology and definitions of cloud. The problem of using such a broad term like “cloud computing” is that there are so many variations with the possible deployment models and when you say “cloud” it means different things to different people. Using the phrase “we are going to the cloud” can […]