Ten main reasons why cloud technology is taking center stage in call centers: Flexibility of OPEX over CAPEX. The shift from upfront capital costs to ongoing pay-as-you-go operational costs means that cloud-based solutions offer contact center managers a way to deploy new technology and scale up or down in a cost-effective way. For outsourcers and telemarketers who may have call volumes that vary dramatically depending on campaign levels, solutions with a flexible pay per usage […]
operational costs
2 posts
Thin-client devices soldier on in the battle to unseat entrenched PCs as the device of choice for both task and knowledge workers. Thin-client hardware devices are gaining processing power, codec smarts and management tools that combine with speed boosters from virtual desktop platforms and are mounting a serious challenge to the PC refresh treadmill. Even more extreme slimming called a “zero client” is stripping out any local operating system, thus reducing the attack surface, power […]