Both DevOps and cloud computing have been hyped as essential to maintaining competitiveness and undertaking digital transformation in today’s organisation. While DevOps is about improving business processes and applications, cloud is all about the underlying services and technology. So how can businesses make the most of these? How cloud DevOps differs from other DevOps When we talk about DevOps in terms of ideals, it doesn’t take long to mention “everything as code” or “immutable infrastructure”; […]
The essence of cloud computing—what makes a cloud, well, cloudy—is the fact it’s an abstraction. The cloud hides underlying complexity while presenting a simplified interface to the consumer. Of course, abstractions are nothing new in the world of IT: compiled languages, graphical user interfaces, and SOA-based Business Services are all examples of abstractions. After all, everything we’re doing in IT boils down to zeroes and ones in the end. Layers of abstraction are how we […]
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded $4.9M to Galois, Inc., as research integrator for the PROCEED program (Programming Computation on Encrypted Data) whose goal is to make it feasible to execute programs on encrypted data without having to decrypt the data first. “If we are successful with PROCEED, it fundamentally changes the calculus for computations in untrusted environments… on computer systems of unknown provenance. The potential implications for the cybersecurity of cloud […]