How can overloads on the Internet be prevented? Cloud computing means that more server space can be rented from large computing resources. Ahmed Hassan has developed algorithms for automatic addition and removal of server resources for a web service based on demand. The study was performed at Umeå University in Sweden. When Michael Jackson passed in 2009, he almost took the Internet with him. CNN, Google News, TMZ, Twitter, Wikipedia, and most other news websites […]
A recent survey by communications and enterprise IT service provider Tata Communications found that enterprise organizations with more than 500 employees saw tangible benefits to their cloud computing efforts. The survey results included 85 percent of the respondents saying that the cloud had lived up to the industry hype, while 23 percent said it had exceeded their expectations. According to the global survey, 83 percent of the enterprises felt they had experienced benefits they didn’t […]
CIOs have tied their future career prospects very much to the mast of cloud computing, with recent research revealing that they believe cloud computing is shifting the focus of their role away from primarily technology onto vital business services, and increasing their chances of promotion to CEO. In a global survey of 615 CEOs, including Australian CIOs, 57 percent of the Australian respondents said that’s what they believed about the affects of cloud computing on […]
Researchers from Swinburne University of Technology are looking for ways to reduce the high cost of internet data storage and retrieval in cloud computing. While cloud computing – which relies on remote, rather than local servers – offers almost unlimited capacity for data storage and processing, current usage charges mean the costs are expanding at the same near-limitless rate. Social media such as Facebook and Flickr are simple examples of cloud computing, but the drain […]
UT Dallas Computer Scientists Make Advances in Key Aspects of Growing Field. The decision three years ago by UT Dallas researchers to bolster their efforts in the field of cloud computing is paying dividends: Not only do they now have $5 million in cloud-related research, but their graduate students find they have their choice of internships and job offers. Indeed, two recent PhD graduates have been hired by leading corporate players in the field, […]
UT Dallas researchers have released software tools intended to help make cloud computing the standard way much computing is done. Cloud computing is a model for providing on-demand Internet-based access to a shared pool of computing resources, including networks, storage and applications. It’s meant to make it as simple to obtain an array of electronic data resources as it is to get electricity itself. “In order to use electricity, we do not maintain electricity generators […]