Cloud Computing & Hosted PBX News – Dallas, TX
Cloud Computing & Hosted PBX News – Dallas, TX

How Cloud Computing Will Change IT

If you came here for the article with the title, “How Cloud Computing Will Change IT”, unfortunately, it has been removed at the request of the publisher of the website from which it was obtained.

Asking me to remove it was within their rights, but I believe it was a shortsighted decision based on old media ideas about the copyright “protection” of assets and the imagined potential loss of ad revenue.

I am not competing with the publisher of “How Cloud Computing Will Change IT”. The articles here are gathered for the benefit of my clients and prospects who are trying to make a decision about cloud computing in their business. There are no competing ads here.

By asking me to remove “How Cloud Computing Will Change IT”, the publisher lessened the opportunity for the author to have his ideas more widely read and the publishing website lost the long term SEO benefit of the link from this page that was here to acknowledge the source of “How Cloud Computing Will Change IT”.

I invite you to check out these links to articles with information similar to “How Cloud Computing Will Change IT”
