Cloud Computing & Hosted PBX News – Dallas, TX
Cloud Computing & Hosted PBX News – Dallas, TX

In Corporate IT, The Cloud Changes Everything

A few weeks back, I was on a panel of media pundits asked to make predictions about what might happen in the technology business in 2011. One prominent member of our group, seeking to stake out a bold, contrarian position, asserted that 2011 would be the year that “cloud computing” would be revealed to be a big nothing, an over-hyped concept that in the end is more about marketing than actual technology.

He’s so, so wrong.

I completely see why someone might say that, though. Every technology infrastructure player is talking clouds lately – hardware companies, hosting services, software providers all spend so much time buzzing about clouds that you’d think they were working for the Weather Channel. It’s always tempting to write off this kind of buzz as overstated. But of late I’ve become increasingly convinced that there’s substance to these clouds – and that more than a few companies are going to get caught in the coming storm they’re going to trigger.

My views on the subject were strengthened today after a long conversation today with Simon Crosby, the CTO of the data center and cloud division at Citrix Systems (CTXS). Crosby’s view is that the cloud basically rewrites the rulebook for how companies approach creating new projects – and IT budgets will never be the same.

For starters, the cloud is not quite as mystifying as you might think at first glance. All of the red-hot consumer Internet sites now dominating the conversation about the Web are built on a public cloud infrastructure. Facebook, Zynga, Twitter – they all rely on public clouds from (AMZN) and others to host their data. As Crosby notes, the public cloud is expanding at an astonishing rate: he says the cloud will quarduple in size over the next two years. The phenomenon is driven by a host of factors, not the least of which is the proliferation of of tablets and smart phones dependent on the cloud to store data. And as Crosby says, consumers have largely come to grips with the security and privacy trade-offs that come with the cool apps the cloud enables.

But Crosby also notes that IT departments initial reaction to cloud computing has been to fear the cloud, which comes with a dramatic increase in IT automation. “More automation means more separation from the things they know and understand,” he says. The traditional IT skill set, Crosby notes, is about buying and then “mollycoddling” a variety of servers, storage devices and other boxes, using a variety of arcane and increasingly antiquated procedures. That approach to IT, he contends, is going away – and he says it happening faster than many had expected.

In the last 3-6 months, Crosby says, IT departments are showing increased acceptance of using progressively more automated approaches to building new applications. The new ambition, he says, is to use the Zynga model for new applications, taking a “phenomenally automated approach,” and making a “leap of faith toward that next generation platform.” The new model typically uses a Web front-end, built on top of Linux, with infrastructure that is elastic, scalable and shared. The result, he says, is the ability to deploy new applications at one-tenth the infrastructure cost of a traditional server-based platform. The heart of the matter, he says, is that the traditional IT architecture is human-based, while the cloud is not. The old approach, he says, “required a large workforce to keep this horrible stuff running.” The new model requires less people – a lot less people. In the new model, he says, powerful infrastructure is available to app developers without IT guys getting in the middle.

Crosby says that at the end of the day, the cloud is really about taking advantage of Moore’s Law – the whole concept of the cloud is about commoditizing computing capability.

Another way to look at the cloud is that it shifts the world from one in which businesses buy and then maintain their own computing capacity to one in which you simply pay for additional capacity as you need it. There’s a reason Amazon calls its hosting service EC2, or “the elastic compute cloud.” You pay for the computing capacity you need, no more, and no less. The systems adjusts on the fly. “Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure resilient applications and isolate themselves from common failure scenarios,” the company says on the EC2 web site.

“Cloud computing” isn’t just a buzz word. It’s a whole new approach to computing, which cuts out a lot of the waste and friction that exist in a traditional computing environment. It changes everything. Look out into 2011, and you can see the clouds gathering. And enterprise technology companies ignore the trend at their peril.

